Monday, June 8, 2009

viva las vegas


i want to kidnap gabe and go to vegas with him. i thought of this genius plan while listening to 'waking up in vegas' by katy perry. i mean, i've always wanted to go to vegas. i love traveling.
and why not bring my number one boy?
so here's my plan. i'm going to drive by his house in the middle of the night and kidnap him. put him in the back seat of my car. while he's sleeping like a baby, i will proceed to drive to vegas. when he wakes up and says "where am i?" i'll say...
"you're in vegas, baby!"
oh my god. all the casinos and great drag shows and... wow that is heaven. i have to go! ahh this is driving me crazy. well, i have all these crazy ambitions.
i'm the wonderful alex.
i really do try to be original. and i'm just crossing my fingers that i'm not one of those poser freaks who's like "i'm so special!" but even if i was, how would i know?
fingers crossed. like i said.
okay, sorry. i got distracted. the vegas plan, right. i probably won't actually do it since technically, i'd be kidnapping him and crossing state lines. which i'm not sure his parents would approve of. of course, they know me and they know that's exactly the kind of crazy shit that i could pull off.
confidence is a must have.
as it usually is in life. nobody should be able to put you in the corner. you have the stand up and push back! as they say, speak your mind even if your voice shakes.
i've always liked that personally...
another thing. i was thinking of taking up musical theater! fine, call me an adam lambert copycat and maybe i'm NOT 100% original, but really. bet you didn't know i actually sing, too. ha! i do! but i was thinking...
maybe panamah just needs a glee club.
who the fuck better to start a glee club than me?? oh my god, me and my half-baked ideas. but really, we don't even have a drama club. we don't have musicals or plays or ANYTHING. we need a flipping glee club! ahh i must talk to the school board about that.
there are few great things about my school.
but one thing is that they really encourage student created and run clubs and stuff. it's pretty sweet. so they might actually let me start a glee club. and maybe my filthy rich friend jeremy will help me fund it.
fuck, this is going to happen.
i am going to start a panamah glee club!! well, provided the school board let's me, which i think there's a good chance they will. of course, it's very possible that i'll end up with way too many premadona girls and not enough guys.
don't count your chickens before they hatch!
i'll wait to see who signs up before i actually freak. i'll keep you all posted, i promise. well, that's all i've got to say for now. and before another idea comes to me, i should go.
i WILL go to vegas!
i WILL start a glee club!
i WILL pursue musical theater!

2 voices:

Anonymous said...

oh my gawd! i would totally join your glee club! you totally should start one! what the hell, right? go you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Alex,

I know you said I should make a blog, but do you really think I could keep up with it? Just wondering. I was reading other blogs and I had the urge to blog myself. Do you really think I should make my own blog? Or would you rather make a group blog? Oh, I might be jumping to conclusions, but if I made a group blog I was hoping you would join. You, me, Jeremy, Nick, Maggie, Natalie... there's a lot of us. Any of us could contribute to a group blog. I don't know, really. Just brainstorming. And I know I should stop properly capitalizing and stuff, but Im just kind of dorky I guess. You like me anyway, right? Email me back or something, okay?